What is Social Enterprise

Social enterprise is the broadening of the purpose of a private enterprise to include supporting the interests of its   local and/or global community.  It really means going beyond a purely private profit motivation in the way we do business.  It has grown steadily in the US and private companies have been eager to forge social enterprise relationships or evolve their own models in order to reap the rewards associated with social responsibility in today’s marketplace.  The next step is to really light a match under the explosive power of consumer spending and allow consumers to make knowledgeable and responsible decision about how they spend.  We at Ethix like to imagine a world where a tiny fraction of every dollar swiped finds it way into health, education, sustainability and all manner of public interests.   And remember, when you are out and about spending money, think about how and where you do that.  It makes all the difference in the world!

Ethix Loves Local Technology and Supports Green Businesses

Tesla Image All of us at Ethix Merchant Services are eco-friendly and love local business helping the planet. We think the Bay Area based company, Tesla is doing amazing things worth sharing. So, check out the image of our awesome website displayed on the new Tesla Model S. This is a brand new luxury electric car that rivals Mercedes and BMW for class and comfort. We were amazed with the speed, looks, handling and especially the fact that it is all electric!

Thanks for paving the path to the future of eco-friendly cars and commutes Tesla. We’re proud of what you are doing here in the Bay Area to help the planet as a whole.

The How & Why Of It All

Who is Ethix?

We are a committed team that love what we do. We are focused on giving back to our communities in our spare time. We are joined by a National sales team that are knowledgable, experienced and have passion for giving back and paying forward.


Why join as an Ethix merchant?

We will lower the credit processing fees you pay and give 25% back to a good-doing organization of your choosing.


How do we beat other’s rates?

Our motto is “fair & transparent” and our pricing structure reflects exactly that. We have no hidden fees and provide the simplest statement possible. We charge the interchange with only .25% plus $0.10 per transaction. Our sales reps can provide the saving range you can expect while signing up to be an Ethix merchant.


Why do we do this as a company?

We believe that is is crucial to fund organizations that do good work in our communities and it is important for us to be a socially responsible business.


How can we afford to do this?

We aren’t afraid of rolling up are sleeves and working hard. With over 12 years experience in the business, we negotiate on your behalf AND keep a much smaller percentage. We believe by doing this hard work we will not only build stronger communities, we can sustain our business through the word of mouth of our merchants and the organizations we help support.


How do I join this movement?

  • If you are a merchant, sign up for an Ethix account, processing your credit/debit cards and choose your non-profit you will to support.
  • If you are a Non-Profit or Charity you can have Ethix process you credit cards and save money with lower processing fees and receive funds back from the fees you pay. Then suggest Ethix to your supporters to raise more monthly funds.
  • As a consumer, choose businesses that are socially responsible, support charities and use Ethix as their merchant service provider.
  • We need your help to spread the word about Ethix. The more merchants that work with us, the more organizations we can help.